When I was 7 my entire world changed in one hospital visit. I still remember it clearly, it’s an experience that shaped my entire identity.
I was in the children’s hospital with my mom and I was surrounded by children who looked just like me, except for one underlying thing, they had cancer.
When I was sitting in that room with them, I could sense their spirits and the immensity of their entire being. I could feel all of their emotions and could relate with them on more than just a human level.
This was the one moment that simultaneously broke my heart, but awakened my purpose.
It was that experience that led me to make a promise to myself and to God that I would spend my life figuring out how to cure this illness and heal the world.
Throughout my teens and twenties, I devoted my life to the study of traditional Western medicine. I was so driven that I sacrificed everything in my social and personal life to further my studies and soon entered the nursing field in pediatric oncology as my first opportunity to make good on my promise. However, I experienced so much frustration and sadness as a result of watching the traditional medical system fail to focus on healing beyond the physical.
The stress of it all was taking a serious toll. It was a few years into my healthcare career that I began to burn out until I was hospitalized with deadly allergies and immune system issues.
This was enough to make me decide to pursue my Masters Degree in Counseling to focus on mental health strategies with the belief that this would be the missing link. Yet again, I was faced with another system of classifying symptoms without truly understanding the root causes of the illness.
I took one last attempt at finding what I was looking for with creating real impact by using my medical experience to take on a CEO role at a medical facility. I truly thought this leadership role would give me the opportunity to change things.

But alas, it still didn’t.
From the outside looking in, it seemed like I had it all. The house, the salary, the marriage, and yet my inner world was crumbling.
Having experienced the medical industry from both sides without having the ability to inflict real change, I had no choice but to look beyond traditional Western medicine where I discovered the power of energetics. This was the moment that changed everything in my life.
I became a Certified Reiki Master and found a world that made sense to me-the world of energy medicine. I couldn’t ignore my intuitive gifting anymore; I surrendered to the fact that I had the God-given gift to see, hear, feel, and know exactly what was going on beyond the surface, lasering in directly to the root of things, and being able to help people shift, activate, and recalibrate their life accordingly for lasting transformation and healing.

My spiritual gifting had been tapping me on the shoulder my entire life, and now I was simply remembering what my spirit knew to be true all along and accepting the call.
It was now my mission to understand how to heal myself and bridge the gap between the Western medicine I had studied my entire adult life and the mastery of energy to truly help others heal in mind, body, and spirit.
And that is when I developed my own intuitive healing practice using my spiritual gifting as a Seer, deep energy work, and transformation catalyst to create The H.O.T. Method™.
I knew that my healing gifts were not going to be accepted in the medical field which meant that I would have to blaze my own trail.
I focused my efforts on learning how to build an online business and invested heavily in a vision no one could see but me. However, six months later, my life fell apart once again. I faced backlash from my local community, my spouse, and my church. I was completely slain for my gifting that was coming directly from God.
So, I did what I had to do. I surrendered to my purpose, divorced husband, and courageously leaned into my connection to my faith. I gave up the career, the home, and the life that so many strive for in favor of fulfilling my calling and serving the world with my God given gifts.
And that’s when my business exploded.
I’ve since worked with thousands of conscious leaders, celebrities, authors, creatives, executives, and coaches to help them bridge the gap between their human and spiritual potential by mastering the connection to their energy, relationships and spiritual gifting in order to create the fulfilling life they deeply desire.
Clients describe what I do as “soul medicine” and “spiritual surgery.” It’s a multidimensional approach to peak performance. I incorporate the conscious, energetic, spiritual and physical aspects that make up the whole of who you are to help you create sovereign success AND deep fulfillment.
When we work together, I can see your core essence, feel your inner fire, hear your unspoken truth, and know your next level self.
And I’m not going to let you settle for anything less than God’s big mission for you, in every domain of your life.
I believe energetic mastery is the new sexy. That marrying human and spiritual potential is the ultimate peak performance. That unwaveringly trusting your intuitive & spiritual gifting is sovereign power. And that love always wins.
If you’re feeling a fire in your belly as you read this, let’s discover how we can work together.
More About Danielle:
Danielle Laura is a two-time number one international bestselling and award-winning author. She has had the honor of being featured on over 30 podcasts and publications. She’s the CEO and founder of multiple companies that better the way we educate, heal, and learn by combining human and spiritual potential to unlock her client’s ultimate success. She is an energetics and relationship expert, and a spiritual advisor who works with conscious leaders, celebrities, and power couples around the globe. She’s living the life she once dreamed of in gorgeous St. Petersburg, Florida