H.O.T. Souls™

Couples Coaching 

6-months to igniting deeply connected love, creating expansive impact, and reaching euphoric happiness through your unique energetic blueprint.

For the power couples who profoundly desire a passionate, intimate, honest, open, and transparent relationship that fuels you daily and erupts every other aspect of your life.


There’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t have it all. 

The impact and influence you were born to create

The can’t-keep-your-hands-off-each-other relationship with your soulmate

The business or calling that you’re immensely proud of 

The one problem that keeps popping up though?

Your business is taking over your fiery appetite that your relationship once had.

You’re so dedicated to your calling that you’re letting time for yourself and your loved ones fall through the cracks but before we point fingers, it’s NOT intentional.

You deeply desire connection but you don’t know how to make it all work. Right now, you’re left feeling like you have to choose one or the other—happiness or impact.

But I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to choose. You can have it all.


You and your partner are both visionaries who are slaying your own goals and making a profound impact but you know that you can reignite the spark that’s been dulled down by your diverted attention.

And this isn’t to say you don’t completely adore each other because you do.

The truth is…

In business, you know you’re living out your calling and you feel connected to those you’re serving but the lack of quality time you have to invest in your relationship leaves you feeling disconnected and out of alignment with your partner.

What you’re hungry for is the most passion-filled life you can live together.

“Just okay” and even “great” doesn’t cut it for you.

You know there’s more and you’ve tasted it before in the honeymoon stage you thought would never end. You want to fully embody the type of relationship that inspires others and makes them wish they had that electric passion you two share.

Your love hasn’t faded but…

  • You firmly believe in the power of investing in your connection and deepening it

  • You’re both conscious leaders who desire nothing less than the strongest bond together

  • You know first-hand how impactful deep connection is in your business, impact, lifestyle, income, family, passions, beliefs, and more

    Quite simply: you’re all in with your relationship and you know that to keep rising to new levels together the deeper understanding of the inner workings at play on an energetic level (subconscious and conscious) are the keys to unlocking your power couple kingdom.


The sovereignty of self-mastery is the new sexy.

This isn’t new to you.

You’re all about self-mastery and deepening connections.

You know the deeper the connection you have with yourself, the deeper your connection with your partner will become. You know that your connection with the world around you becomes richer, more fulfilling, and success becomes long-lasting and sustainable. 

All of this ties back to more joy, more passion, more excitement that creates unanimous flow in your interconnected life.

It begins with a deeply rooted spiritual grounding within and permeates every other domain of our lives. 

When we're deeply connected to ourselves, we become deeply connected with the world around us, and this begins with getting H.O.T. with ourselves (honest, open, transparent).

If you’re ready for more honesty, openness, and transparency in your relationships, you need to join me as a private client for...

H.O.T. Souls™

6-months to igniting deeply connected love, creating expansive impact, and reaching euphoric happiness through your unique energetic blueprint.

For the power couples who profoundly desire a passionate, intimate, honest, open, and transparent relationship that fuels you daily and erupts every other aspect of your life.

I’m just going to come right out and say it, this isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity.

You fully know that the sacred union you have with one another affects every other domain in your life.

It’s time to stop settling for “great” and start catalyzing true transformations to reignite real, deep, soul-filling love and watch the rest of your life follow suit almost magically.


Average isn’t in your vocabulary.

Average has never been good enough for you.

You didn’t want an average life.
You didn’t want an average job.
You didn’t surround yourself with average people.

And you definitely didn’t commit to an average relationship.

So, why are you letting arguably the most important relationship of your life take a backseat instead of striving to make it electric?

Every aspect of your life is intertwined and if one area struggles, the other areas do too. Even if you don’t think they are.

It’s time to get reconnected with your soulmate and find that can’t-get-enough-of-each-other passion again.

How incredible would it feel to:
Rekindle the love you have for each other
▲Get back to that “get a room” phase
▲Want to disconnect from work for quality time
▲Bring the “honeymoon phase” back, permanently
▲Impact the world together

Your relationship is sacred and that’s exactly why H.O.T. Souls™ takes a unique, holistic, and custom-tailed approach for each client.

H.O.T. Souls™ combines the core aspects that make up healthy and thriving relationships that nobody else is teaching—and brings to light the things you probably have no idea are affecting your long term fulfillment!

When we work together, we don’t just focus on one aspect of your relationship, but rather we incorporate the conscious, energetic, physical, emotional, and spiritual parts of it.

I use my Master’s Degree in Counseling, my background in traditional western medicine in health science, as well as my God-given intuitive gifting as a Seer, healer, and channel, to "see" below the surface to the exact root of the problem. Through that, I deliver the custom-tailored wisdom that individuals need to be able to shift, heal, and process through it in order to reach their desired goals, and in record time. 

There is no other coach, counselor, or program I've found that incorporates such a comprehensive, in-depth approach to healing and relationship mastery that leads to lifelong success; we're not just putting a bandaid over the issues, we're transforming the root and creating an entirely new paradigm.

H.O.T. Souls™ is for you if you’re feeling:

  • Disconnected from yourself and/or your partner

  • Tied to the belief you have to work harder to be successful which causes you to miss out on your life

  • A lack of trust within yourself and you aren’t being honest with yourself about why you’re not truly fulfilled 

  • Burnt out and depleted at the end of the day and rarely take the time to recharge

  • The weight of the world resting on your shoulders and taking on the energy of everyone around you

  • More like roommates instead of lovers with your partner

  • Emotionally unavailable for anyone at the end of the day

This signature program goes way beyond traditional couples counseling. 

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In 6 months, we're learning and mastering:

energetic dynamics, communication styles, attachment styles, personality types, love languages, human design, gene keys, and learning how to truly relate to one another in a way that is safe and actually works.

You need to work with someone who sees the depths of both of your innermost selves and reflects it back to you in a way that allows you to connect with each other in a more meaningful, nourishing way.

Traditional therapy has never done it for you, you needed someone to get more real with you.

You're on a mission to change the world and you know to be fully equipped for that, the bond between you two has to be one that is unshakeable and unwavering in the core values and beliefs of your relationship. That’s exactly what we’re going to uncover together.

H.O.T. Souls™ is designed to create:

▲Less conflict by establishing crystal clear communication
▲An enrichment and growth of selfless-love
▲Bliss and skyrocketed passion
▲Next level vulnerability and emotionally intelligent love
▲Mutual respect for your partners wants, needs, and desires
▲Undeniable chemistry with magnetic energy
▲Out of this world intimacy with soul connections
▲Exponential growth as a power couple



What past clients are saying:

“We shifted from feeling like roommates and co-parents to a power couple with next level vulnurability, clarity in our mission together, and a “spark” we’ve been trying to achieve for over 5 years in regular couples counseling. Danielle’s work is deep, raw, real, and extremely powerful!”

Marc & Theresa Rollins

“When we started working with Danielle, I’d say our relationship was solid, but we knew there was more below the surface that could really transform our connection from being great to one that was thriving on every level. We worked on the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical aspects of our marriage and learned about so many factors that we had no idea were at play, but once we understood them and implemented the pillars Danielle helped us work through, I can truly say our marriage has never been better!” 

Kimberly & Daniel Malbrough

Here is how it all works:


Initial intake and energetic assessment of where you currently are emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.


From there we create a custom-tailored approach to your success as a couple in each domain of your life.


A full 6-month retainer for us to work together closely


Up to three 60-minute Zoom sessions per month


Unlimited Telegram app access between sessions


Up to 3 of my signature Energetic Clearing, Activation, and Recalibration sessions for your relationship


For an investment of $20,000

*Payment plans available


I can promise you this isn’t like anything else you’ve ever done before.

My clients have had incredible success through this program like…

  • A couple transformed their 13-year marriage from one that was "blah" to one that was H.O.T, deeply passionate, and complete with the best lovemaking they'd ever had. They also tippled their monthly revenue in their business, bought their dream home, and were able to send their daughter to the private school they were thinking about for years.

  • She cleared her "blocks" from a traumatic childhood experience around worth and love, and in turn, left a relationship that wasn't serving her, quit a dead-end job, started her own business, and manifested her soulmate just a few months later.

  • He cleared and activated his energetic blueprint leading to finding the love of his life (they now have a baby girl), starting his side hustle that now makes over 7 figures a year, and is in the best physical shape of his life. 

You can have all of this too.

If you’re ready to rekindle your love for each other and watch it explode every other area of your life, apply for a private spot to work together.

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If we haven’t met before, I’m Danielle Laura.

I work with powerhouse couples, like you, who are making a real impact on this world. I guide conscious thought leaders in mastering the connection between their energy, intuition, and relationships so they can have the sovereign success AND deep fulfillment they truly desire.

I believe that a partnership is a sacred union that you have with one another that affects every domain in your life. The more powerful you are together, the bigger difference you can make with your combined and aligned energies. I work with couples who believe anything less than the highest form of relationships won’t cut it for them.

If you want to illuminate your love together and connect at an unprecedented level that provides mutual fulfillment and passion, you’re in the right place.

I’ve thoroughly studied transformation frequencies of love and I’ve noticed that what is often taught lacks depth.

With my signature H.O.T. Method™, we go deep into the energetics of each of you leaving no stone unturned.



Are you ready to turn up the heat,

unlock your deepest desires

& ignite fiery passion on an entirely new level?

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