Human Design Reading

Discover your unique energetic blueprint & coding so you can thrive in every domain of your life!

In your Human Design Chart, we will dive into the following, and relate this information specifically to how you can thrive in business:

  • Energetic type: Your main energetic tool for your empowerment, de-conditioning and unleashing your unique potential that allows you to align with your unique purpose in this life

  • Energetic strategy: How your energy flows and thrives best & what actions to take that are in alignment for you to create the outcomes you desire with ease

  • Energetic not-self theme: What emotions and reactions show up for you as a “default” when you’re out of alignment; also known as your shadow self and how/where that plays out in your life and how to overcome it

  • Energetic Inner Authority: Your ultimate decision making system unique to you, learn how to embody this for unshakable trust in your intuition

  • Energetic profile lines: Access to your conscious & unconscious potential and how that shows up in your world

  • Energetic definition: The way you uniquely process information and therefore make decisions in alignment with your highest good

  • Energetic open & defined centers: Your innate superpowers and the energy you create inherently + the areas in which you take on energy from others, and how both affect you practically in your business

  • How you manifest, how you best thrive, what environments are best for you, and your awareness types.

Please provide the information requested below, and I will do a screen share video recording going in depth through your Human Design Chart.

Once I receive this form, I’ll have your video readings e-mailed back to you within 3 business days. You’ll have these recordings to reference anytime you desire :) When you receive these recordings, there will also be a link to schedule a 30 minute follow up call with Danielle to answer any questions you have from your reading. If you have any questions in the meantime, please e-mail Danielle at: [email protected]. Cheers!